Barnes, Robert H.
- Identifier:
- clarysville_00328
- Hospital Number:
- 4845
- Name:
- Barnes, Robert H.
- Date Admitted:
- 1864/10/29
- Date Discharged:
- Age:
- 23
- Nativity:
- Virginia
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Residence:
- Washington Co., O [Washington County, Ohio]
- Relative Address:
- Bellpree, Washington Co., O [Belpre, Washington County, Ohio]
- Rank:
- Private
- Company:
- A
- Regiment:
- 9 V Inf [9th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]
- Source:
- Field
- Diagnosis:
- Gun shot fracture
- Diagnosis Description:
- Gun shot fracture of right arm conical bullet. Ball first entered the articulation of the maximal and middle phalanges of little finger of left hand. Same bullet entered the integument one inch below elbow joint anterior aspect passing out entering the anterior aspect of arm at the flexure of jointOn separate piece of paper: passing a little of [illegible] upwards through [illegible] of external condyle to exit above elbow joint
- Result:
- Deserted 1865/01/03 on furlough