Sine, Joseph E.
- Identifier:
- clarysville_00178
- Hospital Number:
- 4033
- Name:
- Sine, Joseph E.
- Date Admitted:
- 1864/08/02
- Date Discharged:
- 1864/08/27
- Age:
- 22
- Nativity:
- Virginia
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Residence:
- Shenandoah Co., VA [Shenandoah County, Virginia]
- Relative Address:
- Woodstock, Shenandoah Co., VA [Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Virginia]
- Rank:
- Private
- Company:
- B
- Regiment:
- 3rd Virginia Cavalry
- Source:
- Field
- Diagnosis:
- Gun shot fracture
- Diagnosis Description:
- Gun shot fracture of right forearm. Musket ball entered at external side lower third of ulna passed downward and inward and out lower external of ulna
- Result:
- Returned to duty