Babbott, Charles
- Identifier:
- clarysville_00116
- Hospital Number:
- 3665
- Name:
- Babbott, Charles
- Date Admitted:
- 1864/07/23
- Date Discharged:
- Age:
- 20
- Nativity:
- Ohio
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Residence:
- Seneca Co., Ohio [Seneca County, Ohio]
- Relative Address:
- Flat Rock, Seneca Co., Ohio [Flat Rock, Seneca County, Ohio]
- Rank:
- Corporal
- Company:
- D
- Regiment:
- 34 O V I [34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]
- Source:
- Field
- Diagnosis:
- Gun shot wound
- Diagnosis Description:
- Gun shot wound of glutial region. Bullet entering left glutial region 2 to 3 inches to the left of coccyx bone - Direction passing over this bone then inward and outwards and lodged near the hip joint
- Result:
- Furlough 1864/10/15. Transferred to US Gen Hospital Columbus Ohio 1865/01/10