Smith, Abraham A.
- Identifier:
- clarysville_00111
- Hospital Number:
- 3634
- Name:
- Smith, Abraham A.
- Date Admitted:
- 1864/07/23
- Date Discharged:
- 1865/06/02
- Age:
- 28
- Nativity:
- Virginia
- Marital Status:
- Single
- Residence:
- Upshire Co., VA [Upshur County, West Virginia]
- Relative Address:
- Buchannan, Uphsire Co., Virginia [Buckhannon, Upshur County, West Virginia]
- Rank:
- Private
- Company:
- M
- Regiment:
- 3rd VA Cavalry [3rd West Virginia Cavalry]
- Source:
- Field
- Diagnosis:
- Gun shot wound
- Diagnosis Description:
- Gun shot wound of brachial region arterior middle 3rd with slight fracture of humerus. Statement of patient-says it was done by Shell but the probability is it was done by bullet & not extracted. Examined but not found.
- Result:
- Discharged from service on surgeons certificate