Limit your search
- Pennsylvania155
- Ohio150
- Virginia124
- New York66
- Indiana44
- Germany43
- Ireland36
- Maryland20
- West Virginia16
- England14
- Unknown13
- Vermont10
- Michigan9
- Kentucky8
- Canada7
- Massachusetts7
- New Hampshire5
- Illinois4
- Maine4
- Connecticut 3
- New Jersey3
- Georgia2
- North Carolina2
- Prussia2
- Scotland2
- Switzerland2
- South Carolina1
- Tennessee1
- Wales1
- Washington, D.C.1
- 22 PA Cav [22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry]22
- 15 NY Cav [15th New York Cavalry]19
- 18 PA Cav [18th Pennsylvania Cavalry]19
- 23rd O V I [23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]18
- 146 Ind Inf [146th Indiana Infantry]11
- 22nd PA Cav [22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry]10
- 36th O V I [36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]10
- 18th PA Cav [18th Pennsylvania Cavalry]9
- 150th Ind Inf [150th Indiana Infantry]8
- 152 Ind Inf [152nd Indiana Infantry]8
- 14 PA Cav [14th Pennsylvania Cavalry]7
- 21 NY Cav [21st New York Cavalry]7
- 23 O V I [23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]7
- 13th VA Inf [13th West Virginia Infantry]6
- 15 VA Vols [15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]6
- 193 NY I [193rd New York Infantry]6
- 20 PA Cav [20th Pennsylvania Cavalry]6
- 54 PA Vols [54th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry]6
- 54 Penn [54th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry]6
- 54 Penn [54th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry]6
- 6th VA Inf [6th Virginia Volunteer Infantry]6
- 144 Ind Inf [144th Indiana Infantry]5
- 152nd Ind Inf [152nd Indiana Infantry]5
- 192 N Y I [192nd New York Infantry]5
- 28 O V I [28th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]5
- 2nd VA Vets [2nd West Virginian Veteran Infantry]5
- 3rd VA Cav [3rd West Virginia Cavalry]5
- 6 VA Inf [6th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]5
- 4
- 1 Mich Cav [1st Michigan Cavalry]4
- 10th VA Inf [10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 12 VA Inf [12th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 14 VA Vols [14th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 144th Ind Inf [144th Indiana Infantry]4
- 15 VA Vol Inf [15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 152 Ind [152nd Indiana Infantry]4
- 154 Ind Inf [154th Indiana Infantry]4
- 15th VA Inf [15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 193rd NY I [193rd New York Infantry]4
- 194th O V Inf [194th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]4
- 20th PA Cav [20th Pennsylvania Cavalry]4
- 22 NY Cav [22nd New York Cavalry]4
- 23 Ill Vols [23rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry]4
- 2nd O Cav [2nd Ohio Cavalry]4
- 34 O V I [34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]4
- 36 O V I [36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]4
- 5th NY Cav [5th New York Cavalry]4
- 9 V V I [9th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]4
- 91 O V I [91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry]4
- 1 MD Cav [1st Maryland Cavalry]3
- 10 VA Infantry [10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 11th VA Infantry [11th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 122nd O V I [122nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 13th VA Inf [13th West Virginian Volunteer Infantry]3
- 14 V V I [14th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 14 VA Inf [14th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 146th Ind I [146th Indiana Infantry]3
- 147 Ind Inf [147th Indiana Infantry]3
- 147th Ind Infantry [147th Indiana Infantry]3
- 152 [152nd Indiana Infantry? - see administrative notes]3
- 174 O V I [174th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 18th Conn Vols [18th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry]3
- 191st O V I [191st Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 192 NY Inf [192nd New York Infantry]3
- 192nd N Y I [192nd New York Infantry]3
- 193rd O V I [193rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 195th O V Inf [195th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 196th O I [196th Ohio Infantry]3
- 2 MD Cav [2nd Maryland Cavalry]3
- 20 PA Cavalry [20th Pennsylvania Cavalry]3
- 2nd MD PHB [2nd Maryland Infantry, Potomac Home Brigade]3
- 34 Mass Vols [34th Massachusets Volunteer Infantry]3
- 34th O V I [34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]3
- 5 Mich Cavalry [5th Michigan Cavalry]3
- 5 VA Inf [5th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 5 VA Vols [5th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 54th PA Inf [54th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry]3
- 6 VA Inf [6th West Virginia Infantry]3
- 6th W VA Inf [6th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 9 VA Vols [9th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- 91st O V I [91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry] 3
- 9th VA Vols [9th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]3
- Signal Corps3
- 1 VA Vet [1st West Virginia Veteran Infantry]2
- 10th W VA Inf [10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 11 VA Inf [11th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 116 O V I [116th Ohio Volunteer Infantry]2
- 11th VA Inf [11th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 11th VA Vol Inf [11th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 11th VA Vols [11th Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 11th VA Vols [11th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry]2
- 12 VA Vols [12th West Virginia Volunteers]2
- 123 O Infantry [123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]2
- 123 O Vols [123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]2
- 123rd Ind Infantry [123rd Indiana Infantry]2
- 123rd O V I [123rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry]2
- 13 VA V I [13th West Virginian Volunteer Infantry]2
- 146 Ind [146th Indiana Infantry]2
- 147 [147th Indiana Infantry? - see administrative notes]2
- Acute diarrhea78
- Gun shot wound68
- Chronic rheumatism64
- Convalescent62
- Gun shot fracture55
- Chronic diarrhea42
- Typhoid fever41
- Measles27
- Sub-acute inflammation of lungs27
- Intermittent fever tertian26
- Acute rheumatism 23
- Contusion(s)23
- Typho malarial fever21
- Inflammation of lungs19
- Mumps15
- Intermittent fever quotidian14
- Acute dysentary12
- Fatigue10
- Bone fracture(s)9
- Piles9
- Acute bronchitis8
- Inguinal hernia 8
- Malarial fever8
- Sequelae8
- Typhoid pneumonia8
- Abcess7
- Conjunctivitis7
- Erysipelas7
- Headache6
- Inflammation of kidneys6
- Pneumonia6
- Chronic bronchitis5
- Scrotal hernia5
- Vascular disease of heart5
- Epilepsy4
- Frost bite4
- Gonorrhea4
- Incised wound4
- Aphonia3
- Constipation3
- Consumption3
- Dislocated shoulder3
- Fever3
- Malnutrition/starvation3
- Neuralgia3
- Syphilis 3
- Varicose veins3
- Whitlow3
- Ague2
- Chronic inflammation of liver2
- Chronic inflammation of the lungs2
- Concussion2
- Dropsy2
- Eczema2
- Inflamation of periostium2
- Intermittent headache2
- Itch2
- Loss of sight2
- Malingering2
- Ophthalmia2
- Orchitis2
- Rheamatic bronchitis2
- Saber wound2
- Sprained ankle2
- Urticaria2
- Abrasions of feet1
- Acute gonorrhea1
- Acute inflammation of lungs1
- Acute pleurisy1
- Anasarca1
- Asthma1
- Boils1
- Carbuncles1
- Cholera morbus1
- Chronic hepatitis1
- Chronic inflammation of testicles1
- Chronic inflammation spermadic cord1
- Chronic vascular disease of heart1
- Compound fracture1
- Deafness1
- Debility1
- Diphtheria1
- Dyspepsia1
- Enlarged prostate gland1
- Extreme emaciation1
- Femoral hernia1
- Flem1
- Flesh wound1
- Gleet1
- Imbecile 1
- Imbrilicility1
- Indegestion1
- Inflammation of bladder1
- Inflammation of liver1
- Inflammation of pharynx1
- Insanity1
- Intermittent fever1
- Night blindness1
- Nostalgia1